
顯示從 11月, 2011 起發佈的文章

2011.11.26 上學了 (Wilton Decoration course 1)

2011.11.26 講左兩個月, 終於上堂喇 Wilton's method Decorating Basic Course 1 每人先拎一套tools, 入面有好多唔同size的唧嘴 先由老師教打icing, 最好用座枱式的mixer, 可是我只有手提式的, 要吃力一點 張白式的icing 調成黃色, 放入唧袋, 在圖上練習唧星花, 仲有shell 第一堂的功課


2011 年 11 月 16日 香港 回想那一年 , 在澳洲打工儲錢 , 有無諗過一年後會比澳洲稅局追欠稅? 有位朋友就真係咁慘 .... 佢唔知度稅局對resident 既定義同其他部門對resident 既定義係唔同 , 係呢個情況下佢係 e-tax 真左 non-resident for tax purpose. 但non-resident for tax purpose 係比 resident for tax purpose 要多交十幾% 稅 . 本來 resident 可以係一定入息上限下退到稅 , 但佢以為working holiday 就係  non-resident for tax purpose , 填左non-resident ..係呢個情況下 , 佢返到香港都要俾澳洲政府追欠稅 想知係唔係resident for tax purpose , 可參閱: (是但中一個都叫resident for tax purpose) Generally, you are an Australian resident for tax purposes if any of the following applies: you have always lived in Australia you moved to Australia and live here permanently you have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of the time you have been in the same job, and living in the same place you have been in Australia for more than half of the financial year, unless your usual home is overseas, and you do not intend to live in Australia. reference:  http://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/content.aspx?doc=/content/64131.htm submit 左 ...

2011.11.04 驚喜生日飯

2011年11月4日 返左工之後, 逄生日都會放假, 而今年因為未過試用期, 冇假放, 工作中渡過。 生日前一晚, 卓竟然買左蛋糕上左黎, 係木槺布甸蛋糕, 仲有 "Happy Birthday" 的 candle, 仲有Rabbit shaped Salt & Pepper Grinder!! 生日前都有問過卓會帶我去邊到興祝, 但一直既答案都係"成日行過, 想去食既", 我真係估唔到呀 直到帶我到門口 原來就係 "Swiss Chalet", 食人生第一口的瑞士芝士火鍋 估唔到卓會記住我講過的話 好香的芝士 (唔鍾意芝士會覺臭)!! 有雞肉、蔬菜、麵包~ 一人份量已經好多了!! 食飯期間, 發生了很失禮的事, 在此向鄰桌的朋友說對不起! 仲有尋找麥兜~