2012 年9月19日香港
以下澳洲結婚註冊內容適用於Brisbane Registry Office. 供各位couple 參考 , 適合各位打算自由行旅行結婚的情侶. 請原諒沒有中文譯本, 不過唔順要擔心, 英文好簡單, 好快睇完.
Below information is attracted from Ceremony Services - Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages
Detailed below is full
information about what you need to do in preparation before, on the day and
after your wedding.
information about what you need to do in preparation before, on the day and
after your wedding.
To apply for a wedding
at the Registry Office, you are required to print the Notice of Intended
Marriage (NOIM) form and complete and lodge as advised below:
at the Registry Office, you are required to print the Notice of Intended
Marriage (NOIM) form and complete and lodge as advised below:
Please use the
following link to download and print the form required:
following link to download and print the form required:
1. Legal
Notice of intended
marriage (NOIM) form
marriage (NOIM) form
Both the bride and
groom need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form and sign it in
the presence of a qualified witness.
groom need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form and sign it in
the presence of a qualified witness.
You must lodge the NOIM
with the Registry a minimum of one calendar month prior to the date you wish to
be married. The NOIM is valid for eighteen months from the date it is lodged.
with the Registry a minimum of one calendar month prior to the date you wish to
be married. The NOIM is valid for eighteen months from the date it is lodged.
You must lodge the NOIM
with the Registry if you wish to be married at the Registry. The
NOIM can be lodged in person or by mail.
with the Registry if you wish to be married at the Registry. The
NOIM can be lodged in person or by mail.
Documents required
by the bride and groom
by the bride and groom
To complete the requirements
of the Notice of Intended Marriage for a Registry wedding, a Registry officer
must sight the following documents for the bride and groom:
of the Notice of Intended Marriage for a Registry wedding, a Registry officer
must sight the following documents for the bride and groom:
For people born
in Australia-
in Australia-
An original birth
certificate or birth extract plus photo identification.
certificate or birth extract plus photo identification.
For people born in
another country-
another country-
An original birth
certificate of that country plus photo identification
certificate of that country plus photo identification
OR an original current
passport of another country showing date and place of birth
passport of another country showing date and place of birth
OR an original
Australian Citizenship Certificate plus photo identification and a Statutory
Declaration confirming birth details will need to be completed at the
Australian Citizenship Certificate plus photo identification and a Statutory
Declaration confirming birth details will need to be completed at the
For people
previously married-
previously married-
In addition to the
above, an original decree absolute or divorce certificate, or an original death
certificate of a deceased spouse will need to be supplied.
above, an original decree absolute or divorce certificate, or an original death
certificate of a deceased spouse will need to be supplied.
If a document is not in
English, an official translation in addition to the original is required.
English, an official translation in addition to the original is required.
Please note we cannot
accept photocopies of documents where the person is attending the interview in
accept photocopies of documents where the person is attending the interview in
Marriageable age
The marriageable age is
eighteen. If one party is aged sixteen to eighteen, and not previously married
and the other party is eighteen or over, it is necessary to obtain:
eighteen. If one party is aged sixteen to eighteen, and not previously married
and the other party is eighteen or over, it is necessary to obtain:
- Parental consent on
the required form, and
the required form, and
- A court order under
Section 12 of the Marriage Act.
Section 12 of the Marriage Act.
Two people under the
age of eighteen cannot marry each other.
age of eighteen cannot marry each other.
2. Bookings
Registry wedding times:
Monday to Friday
Saturday 10.00am–4.30pm
To book a wedding in
You need to make an
appointment with us to discuss having your ceremony at the registry. An
appointment can be made by calling us on 1300 366430 or
emailing: BDMCeremonies@justice.qld.gov.au.
appointment with us to discuss having your ceremony at the registry. An
appointment can be made by calling us on 1300 366430 or
emailing: BDMCeremonies@justice.qld.gov.au.
If you choose the email
option, please include your contact details and one of our Registry Officers
from the ceremony section will contact you to discuss your appointment.
option, please include your contact details and one of our Registry Officers
from the ceremony section will contact you to discuss your appointment.
Lodging the NOIM form
at the Registry will start the period of notice (minimum of one month and
maximum of eighteen months) for a Registry wedding.
at the Registry will start the period of notice (minimum of one month and
maximum of eighteen months) for a Registry wedding.
You will need to:
- Bring
originals of the documents listed under ‘Legal requirements’ to the
Registry. We can help you fill out the NOIM form. The Registry
Officer conducting your interview will witness your signatures, sight your
documents and receive your NOIM. - Pay
the marriage fee in full (refer below). Payment in person can
be made by credit card (Visa or Master Card only), cheque, money order, or
After completing the
above, you may arrange a date and time for the wedding.
above, you may arrange a date and time for the wedding.
If only one of you
is attending the interview:
is attending the interview:
The person not
attending will need to complete the NOIM form and have their signature
witnessed by a qualified witness specified on the form.
attending will need to complete the NOIM form and have their signature
witnessed by a qualified witness specified on the form.
The person not
attending will also need to give the person attending, their original documents
or photocopies of the original documents certified by the person who has
witnessed their signature on the NOIM form.
attending will also need to give the person attending, their original documents
or photocopies of the original documents certified by the person who has
witnessed their signature on the NOIM form.
If the person not
attending is providing an Australian Citizenship Certificate, they will need to
complete a Statutory Declaration confirming birth details as follows and their
signature must be witnessed by the person who witnessed the NOIM form.
attending is providing an Australian Citizenship Certificate, they will need to
complete a Statutory Declaration confirming birth details as follows and their
signature must be witnessed by the person who witnessed the NOIM form.
My Date of Birth is:
I was born in City:
My Father's name in
full is:
full is:
My Mother's name in
full including Maiden Surname is:
full including Maiden Surname is:
The reason why I cannot
show you my original birth certificate is because:
show you my original birth certificate is because:
Please use the
following link to download and print the Statutory Declaration form:
following link to download and print the Statutory Declaration form:
Please Note – If you
live interstate or overseas you will need to use the Commonwealth Statutory
Declaration Form or the Statutory Declaration Form from the country you are in.
live interstate or overseas you will need to use the Commonwealth Statutory
Declaration Form or the Statutory Declaration Form from the country you are in.
The originals of these
documents must be sighted at least 5 working days prior to the
wedding. If we don’t see the original documents, we cannot marry you
under any circumstances.
documents must be sighted at least 5 working days prior to the
wedding. If we don’t see the original documents, we cannot marry you
under any circumstances.
To book a wedding by
You must send us the
following by post: (The application must be received in our office
approximately at least 6 weeks prior to the proposed wedding date, to allow for
processing prior to the minimum one calendar month lodging requirement).
following by post: (The application must be received in our office
approximately at least 6 weeks prior to the proposed wedding date, to allow for
processing prior to the minimum one calendar month lodging requirement).
- The
original signed NOIM form. The signatures must be witnessed by a
qualified witness specified on the form. - Certified
photocopies of the identification documents (listed above in documents
required for bride and groom). - Wedding
fee (see fees below).
Payment can be made by cheque or money order, payable to
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages
Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages
OR by credit card (MasterCard or Visa Card only accepted by
including the following in the cover letter:
including the following in the cover letter:
“I authorise you to deduct $ (applicable marriage
ceremony fee) from the below credit card:
ceremony fee) from the below credit card:
Card number:
Expiry date:
Name on Card:
Applications lodged from
outsideAustralia: payment can also be made by an International Bank
Draft, in Australian Dollars, drawn on a bank located inAustralia and made
payable to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
outsideAustralia: payment can also be made by an International Bank
Draft, in Australian Dollars, drawn on a bank located inAustralia and made
payable to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
- A
signed dated letter, expressing the date and time you wish to be married
at The Registry Office, plus all contact details – phone number, email
address and mailing address, and the date when you will be able to show
your original documents at The Registry Office. If you need a
document for the Immigration Department, please include this request in
the letter. - The
original documents need to be shown to The Registry Office, at least five
days before the wedding. If you cannot show the documents
within this timeframe, please advise in the letter when you will be able
to show the documents, so that we can advise if this is
acceptable. If we don’t see the original documents, we cannot
marry you under any circumstances.
Attn: Ceremony Services
Registry of Births
Deaths and Marriages
Deaths and Marriages
Changes or
You need to advise us in writing at least
two weeks before the booked ceremony date if you wish to cancel your
ceremony. If you do give more than two weeks notice of your cancellation, you
will be entitled to a part refund. The refund will be made payable to the
original payee. If you do not give the required notice, you will forfeit the
fee and have to book and pay the full fee to reschedule the ceremony.
two weeks before the booked ceremony date if you wish to cancel your
ceremony. If you do give more than two weeks notice of your cancellation, you
will be entitled to a part refund. The refund will be made payable to the
original payee. If you do not give the required notice, you will forfeit the
fee and have to book and pay the full fee to reschedule the ceremony.
You need to advise us in writing at least
two weeks before the booked date if you wish to change the date of your
ceremony. There is no charge for the first date change. Any requests for
further date changes will result in the full ceremony fee being charged.
two weeks before the booked date if you wish to change the date of your
ceremony. There is no charge for the first date change. Any requests for
further date changes will result in the full ceremony fee being charged.
3. Fees
Please use the following
link to download and print the scheduled fees (all fees are in Australian
link to download and print the scheduled fees (all fees are in Australian
4. Ordering
an official marriage certificate
an official marriage certificate
Most couples find they
need an official marriage certificate at sometime, and most order a standard
marriage certificate or a commemorative marriage certificate (which includes a
standard certificate) when they book a wedding. Payment is required
with the order.
need an official marriage certificate at sometime, and most order a standard
marriage certificate or a commemorative marriage certificate (which includes a
standard certificate) when they book a wedding. Payment is required
with the order.
Application Form:
Application Form:
To apply for a Marriage
Certificate you are required to print the form and fill in the required
details. Please use the following link to download and print the
certificate application required:
Certificate you are required to print the form and fill in the required
details. Please use the following link to download and print the
certificate application required:
The certificate fee
includes regular post in Australia.
includes regular post in Australia.
Additional postage fees
apply where postage other than regular post inAustralia is required.
apply where postage other than regular post inAustralia is required.
An additional fee will
apply for all international mail.
apply for all international mail.
5. Wedding day
Arrival time
On your wedding day, we
will need to record the names of your witnesses on the Certificate of Marriage
and make sure everything is ready for your ceremony. We ask you and your witnesses
to arrive 15 minutes before the time scheduled, to give us time to prepare the
certificates and make sure everything goes smoothly.
will need to record the names of your witnesses on the Certificate of Marriage
and make sure everything is ready for your ceremony. We ask you and your witnesses
to arrive 15 minutes before the time scheduled, to give us time to prepare the
certificates and make sure everything goes smoothly.
There are several
parking stations nearby, including:
parking stations nearby, including:
- Treasury Casino and
Hotel Car Park, under Queen’s Park (almost next door), accessed
from George Street
Hotel Car Park, under Queen’s Park (almost next door), accessed
from George Street
- 53 Charlotte Street, opposite the police
station between George and Albert Streets
station between George and Albert Streets
- At the Myer Centre,
accessed fromElizabeth Street between George and Albert Streets.
accessed fromElizabeth Street between George and Albert Streets.
The wedding room will
seat 50 guests. Adjacent to it, there is a waiting room exclusively for the
convenience of wedding groups.
seat 50 guests. Adjacent to it, there is a waiting room exclusively for the
convenience of wedding groups.
Two witnesses over the
age of 18 have to be provided by the bride and groom. The Registry is
unable to provide witnesses. You witnesses should bring photo
age of 18 have to be provided by the bride and groom. The Registry is
unable to provide witnesses. You witnesses should bring photo
The ceremony
The Registry uses a
standard form of vows. The bride and groom will be asked to repeat these vows
to solemnise the marriage.
standard form of vows. The bride and groom will be asked to repeat these vows
to solemnise the marriage.
Many couples then
exchange rings, but of course that is your choice. The bride and groom sign two
Certificates of Marriage in the presence of the witnesses. Some couples bring a
CD or and IPOD for particular background music and some bring a photographer or
have someone in their group take photos.
exchange rings, but of course that is your choice. The bride and groom sign two
Certificates of Marriage in the presence of the witnesses. Some couples bring a
CD or and IPOD for particular background music and some bring a photographer or
have someone in their group take photos.
The ceremony usually
takes about fifteen minutes.
takes about fifteen minutes.
Throwing confetti, rice
or flowers or consuming food or drink is not permitted in the building.
or flowers or consuming food or drink is not permitted in the building.
We suggest that you
observe a dress standard ranging from smart casual to formal, to reflect the
importance of the special occasion.
observe a dress standard ranging from smart casual to formal, to reflect the
importance of the special occasion.
If the bride or groom
is unable to speak English, you will need to provide an approved interpreter,
and the interpreter will need to sign a statutory declaration to certify their
faithful performance in the role. The Registry is unable to provide an
is unable to speak English, you will need to provide an approved interpreter,
and the interpreter will need to sign a statutory declaration to certify their
faithful performance in the role. The Registry is unable to provide an
Special requirements
If you have any special
requirements, please let us know ahead of the wedding so that we can discuss
how we can meet them, if possible.
requirements, please let us know ahead of the wedding so that we can discuss
how we can meet them, if possible.
All details of this can
be found on our website www.bdm.qld.gov.au
be found on our website www.bdm.qld.gov.au
look forward to helping make your wedding day a special occasion.