未出發先準備 @ 離港清稅+離澳退稅篇
清稅Roadmap (出發日期9月2日):
A) 8月2日前
1) 於七月中通知僱主填妥I.R.表格第56G號並於8月2日前交往稅務局, 同時僱主會給予僱員副本一份
2) 僱員親身到稅務局下列地點辦理有關手續。請携同I.R.表格第56G號、糧單及證明文件以支持所申索的扣除項目∕免稅額
3)在清繳所有稅款後,憑收據到稅務大樓7樓收稅組(收數組? XD)領取「同意釋款書」
- 現金、EPS、自動櫃員機或銀行本票繳稅-即日
- 繳費聆、互聯網-在本局收到付款機構的確認通知後大約兩個工作天
- 私人支票-大約10天
** 當僱主交回表格第56G後, 會扣存給予僱員的款項, 為期一個月或直至收到稅務局發出的「同意釋款書」[I.R.表格第607號] 為止。
稅務局 http://www.ird.gov.hk/chi/tax/ind_twl.htm
By 詩詩
澳洲打工工錢會扣稅, 但離開澳洲之前可以退稅Tax Return
1.What is a tax return?
A tax return is a form on which you disclose your income, tax withheld, deductions and/or tax offsets for an income year.
As an individual, you are required to lodge an income tax return if:
- You paid tax during the year.
- Your taxable income exceeds certain amounts. (Refer to table below)
If you were | The threshold is |
an Australian resident for tax purposes for the full year |
under 18 years of age and you received non-salary or wages income greater than |
a non-resident and you had income taxable in Australia -excluding income that has non-resident withholding tax deducted from it |
- You
received a Centrelink allowance or payment and you had received other
income, and your taxable income was more than $11,000.
2.Do I need to Lodge a Tax Return ?
這個程式幫手判斷你是否需要退稅3.When do I lodge a tax return?
You have from 1 July to 31 October to lodge your tax return unless it is prepared by a registered tax agent
照道理不用Resident 都可以做Tax Return , 但Resident 可能取得最多Tax Return.關於更多可上http://www.wretch.cc/blog/auvagrancy/8732746
By 卓
Hello~ 我係elyse ar~ 你個blog 寫d 野好詳細ar~ 我會八月出發仍未準備好.. 有機會到oz 再見 elyse
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/23/2010 22:05:00]Hi elyse~ 謝謝你呀 8月出發還有時間準備啦 , 不用緊張~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2011 19:17:00]Winjo 間公司都好大架 , 辭職都係要搵HR 架啦 , 你可以唔退架 , 無乜所謂 黎澳洲都好煩架, 怕煩就唔好黎啦 XD 煩唔煩 , 你試過咪知 lor ; )
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/29/2011 23:09:00]日催夜催催到佢煩lor.....
[版主回覆08/15/2011 22:35:26]爆我大穫!!??!??!
全年收入6000 以下的錢, 免稅
6000以上開始計稅 , 12-13%
份糧出俾我之前 , 包廠幫我自動交定稅 , 所以依家要搞退稅 , 退番6000以下果筆